Meguiar’s #40 Vinyl/Rubber Cleaner is the best product, in my opinion, for all your auto outside rubber trim and inside vinyl. I thought I would do a quick review of this great product because I was just on Amazon ordering some more. I contemplated the gallon size ($24 + $10 shipping) because I love this product so much… but opted for the 16oz pump size for now ($11.49 free Prime shipping) – (Check current price here.)
I’ve tried several different brands over the years, Mothers Back-to-Black Trim Care, MOTHERS Vinyl Protectant (which is my 2nd favorite)
, Armor All, Nu Vinyl Protectant
, some boutique brands (Adam’s, and others)… most were pretty good. They made my vinyl outside trim on my 2003 Expedition look good – it is dark gray and would start to turn light gray and look washed out. The treatments brought back the dark gray and made it look new. Some made my trim and my dash look too wet (Armor All). Mother’s Back to Black did a nice job on my exterior dark gray panels. The problem with most of the vinyl and rubber protectants was they did not last long and some would streak – morning dew would run down the sides and leave streaks behind.
Then I found Meguiar’s #40. It cleans and renews my exterior vinyl panels without leaving the greasy residue like some of the others. And the best thing, it lasts at least twice as long as even Mother’s Vinyl Protectant or Back to Black.
For my inside dash, inside vinyl trim, center console, and steering wheel, I do not like the wet, oily feel and look that other products would leave behind. Meguiar’s vinyl protectant #40 cleans, polishes, and doesn’t leave an oily residue. Some people like that “wet” look… I like the natural look. Apply with a clean rag, let sit for a bit, then wipe again to remove excess.
Goes on easy, looks great, lasts pretty long time (wish it lasted even longer – not my favorite way to spend my weekend), and goes a long way. Highly recommend. Not every auto store carries it… they may carry other Meguiar’s products or Mother’s… but not the Meguiar’s #40. I normally get mine from Amazon – the price is very good, and I am a Prime member so shipping is free. Wish shipping was free on the gallon size, would’ve ordered the gallon if it was.
Click link below to check current price. Try it and come back here and leave a comment if you liked it – or didn’t like it.
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