Rating: 7+/10 Rent this. Very good movie, excellent acting, good story line, suitable for entire family. My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Matt Damon was great. Scarlett Johansson equally as good in role as zoo keeper. Dakota Fanning’s little sister, Elle Fanning stole the show – a lot of talent in that family! Initially, wasn’t sure I would like the movie as much as I did. I was concerned it would be too childish or not enough depth to hold my attention. I was very wrong. It is a feel good movie based on true events. You will not be disappointed. My wife gives it 9/10. She related more to the parenting aspects than me. Plus, noted that it was a well done movie without sex, swearing (only a couple times), gore, special effects, etc.. A movie adults and children of most ages would enjoy.
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