Rating: 7+/10 Rental worthy. This is a good movie and stands out from the usual movie fare. Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock had backseat roles to the main star, a young autistic boy who lost his father (Hanks) in 911 tower. It is a journey of self discovery movie that holds your attention and pulls you into the story. The movie rotates around the boy, Thomas Horn, who does an excellent job acting. Bullock & Hanks have smaller supporting roles as the parents – so don’t expect this movie to give them much screen time or to be about them. I don’t normally endorse many “self discovery” movies as they tend to be too self indulgent and boring. However this boy, (Thomas Horn), carries this movie and the story line (a mystery of sorts) keeps your attention to find out where it will lead the boy. Put it on your rental list
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