Rating: 6/10
A different movie. Martin Sheen finishes a soul searching trek in France & Spain that his son started but died on his first day out. The movie is supposed to be a soul searching journey of life. Written and directed by Emilio Estavez – Sheen’s real son (Charlie Sheen’s brother). I have to say upfront that I am not a huge fan of Martin Sheen. He is a good actor, but at times over acts (in my opinion). I have trouble getting connected with him… and in this movie you need to get connected to appreciate it. I personally did not find any answers to life or any profound self discoveries. Scenery was nice, but watching a group of dysfunctional people walk 560 miles through the country side (El camino de Santiago) did not make for a great film just an OK film. I will say, it held my attention and was not a terrible movie – just OK. To me, anything rated 6 is worth considering renting. 7 is a good movie to rent. 8 or higher is a must rent movie.
My wife, on the other hand, really liked the movie (she probably connected with Sheen) and rated it 8/10. So, for you guys out there that get complaints from the wife that you never rent movies for her… try this one… it is not a love story…. it is not overly depressing… and is an OK movie to watch.
If you happen to rent it… leave your thoughts about it here.
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