As the Supreme Court contemplates whether it is Constitutional for the Federal Government to mandate (force) all US citizens to have health insurance or face fines, we have to ask ourselves if this is a road we want to go down. Do I want the government telling me what to do? If the government forces me to get health insurance, what’s next? Dental insurance? Long-term care insurance? Individual unemployment insurance? As a proponent for less government in our lives, you would think I would be against this part of the Affordable Healthcare Act. Yet, I understand the need for individuals taking responsibility for their own life, which includes their own healthcare. A healthy, young adult may not see a need to pay for health coverage… money better spent on the newest cell phone, or car. But what happens when that same healthy, young adult is diagnosed with life threatening cancer?
Read more →So what’s the plan? Republicans have been hell bent on destroying any type of healthcare plan or reform from day one. Is that because it is “ObamaCare” or just Healthcare reform in general? I watch Fox News and their poll quotes 74% want to repeal the “Affordable Healthcare Act” (ObamaCare). I watch CNN and their polls show 54% want to keep it. I haven’t heard MSNBC’s poll numbers but assume it would show 70+% in favor of keeping it. Poll numbers can not be trusted by themselves. How the questions are asked and to what group will define the results. So what’s not to like? and what are the alternatives? The bill assures coverage for everyone through private insurers. You can no longer be dropped if you become ill and get laid off from work. Your adult children can remain on your policy until age 26 – which gives them time to
Read more →Regardless of how the Supreme Court rules on parts of the Healthcare Bill (nicknamed ObamaCare), the original bill fell short of its mission – to lower or slow healthcare costs and make healthcare available to everyone. Unfortunately, the Single Payer healthcare initiative was blocked by the Republicans as was many other parts of the bill. Then the fear tactics were started to further diminish the effectiveness of true healthcare reform. Rumors (untrue) of “death panels” and “socialized medicine” that would ruin our high standards of care, and “refusal of treatment” after you reached a maximum amount… all lies and rumors to turn unaware citizens against actual healthcare reform. What we ended up with was a hodgepodge bill, over 2,000 pages – mostly to clarify wordings to appease lawyers. The good parts – children can stay on plans longer, pre-existing conditions are no longer cause for denial of coverage. For some reason,
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