Bombing Syria – Bad Idea

I am so glad John McCain is not our president. At one point in the 2008 elections I even thought about voting for him. I see now, he and many other Republicans still have the caveman mentality…. swing the club, ask questions later. I feel terrible for the Syrians and what is going on there. Bashar al-Assad, Syrian’s dictator, has to go… no question. The killing has to stop. This is genocide. The world needs to unite against any country that uses this type of behaviour to quell dissidents. And that is the point… the World needs to unite against Syria. This can not be OUR war (again). If we go in as McCain wants, we can easily destroy the Syrian dynasty, but what then? That was Bush’s problem when he decided to do Shock & Awe in Iraq. Yes, we can swing our club… but then what? As leaders

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Moneyball – Movie Review

Rating: 8/10 Moneyball surprised me. A behind the scenes baseball movie based on actual events had all the elements for a boring movie. But, Brad Pitt was in it so thought I would give it a shot. Turned out to be a great movie with drama, tension, and some humor. Like most come-from-behind movies, Moneyball draws you into the middle of the drama and has you rooting for the Home Team by the end. Brad Pitt, as usual, did a great job, Jonah Hill – normally known for silly comedies – also did a great job as the statistician. There are enough personalities and conflicting personalities to keep this interesting from start to finish. I highly recommend this movie for men and women. My wife enjoyed the movie (probably because of Brad Pitt)… and also recommends it for the women out there. Although a sports movie, which she doesn’t

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The Descendants – Movie Review

Rating: 8/10 I wasn’t sure this movie would live up to all the hype and Oscar nods & wins… but it did. I like George Clooney, but most of the roles he plays aren’t as demanding as true Oscar worthiness. I was pleasantly surprised in The Descendants when I saw a little more range in his acting. The premise of the movie was also interesting – a husband, whose wife is in a coma, finds out she had been having an affair. All the actors pulled this movie together, I especially liked the older daughter. The younger daughter was also very good… and the boyfriend added some comic relief… all making this a believable story that drew you in and tugged at your emotions. I highly recommend this movie. Not a 9 or 10 in my scale, which are reserved for movies like Titanic, Avatar and other big blockbusters. But a

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Stupid Emails from Smart People

My big pet peeve is receiving blatantly untrue emails from supposedly intelligent people, most of which depict Obama as evil. I don’t mind differing opinions from my own, but I don’t like the propaganda of emails spreading lies as if they were true. We all have received our share of emails depicting Obama as a Muslim without a US birth certificate, intent on destroying America. One I received today was titled “HR4646 (Bad News)” about Obama wanting to charge a 1% tax on all deposits made to banks, and that is why they now only have direct deposit of SS checks. Most of these type emails take a little truth and spin it into a fabricated lie. Another received last week is a video link entitled “This will knock your socks off!” and the video talks about the healthcare bill (ObamaCare) with blatant lies about the bill presented as absolute fact.

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One for the Money – Movie Review

Rated: 6/10 OK movie but not great. Katherine Heigl did a good job as Stephanie Plum, the out of work main character that becomes a bounty hunter to make ends meet. I read the book, the movie followed the book pretty well. Just didn’t have enough umph to the movie. It was OK. Shallow at times, contrived at others, but after all, it was a light hearted, drama… not quite a comedy. Didn’t move fast enough for me at times – found my mind wondering away from movie. Worth a rental but not the big bucks to see it on the big screen. It was a small step up from some of today’s TV light hearted dramas (Rozzili & Iles, Bones, etc.). My wife felt much as I did. Gave it a 6. She didn’t feel like she wasted her time watching it – as she sometimes does when I

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The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo – Movie Review

Rating: 7/10 Good movie but… can be a little confusing initially. I read the book so knew the characters, names, and what was happening. My wife did not read the book and got a little lost at the beginning. As usual, the book was better than the movie. The acting was very good. Because it takes place in Sweden, names and places are less familiar so at times hard to understand or remember. It is a good mystery – who done it – movie. It was too long – 2.5 hrs. Even at this length, a lot of details got left out so the build up was not as dramatic as in the book. Good rental if you like complicated mysteries. Good acting. I’m looking forward to book 2 & 3 being made into movies and following Lisbeth (girl with dragon tattoo) into The Girl That Kicked the Hornest’s Nest

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Birth Control, Limbaugh, & the Government

The ultra conservatives reached a new low when Rush Limbaugh called Sarah Fluke a slut having too much sex when she testified that she uses contraceptives at the congressional hearing. At the same time, when did birth control become a government issue? Insurance companies can discuss whether they want to cover contraceptives or not and how much they want to pay… but the Federal Government?? Why would the Obama administration feel compelled to get involved with this issue and mandate that insurance companies have to cover contraceptives? I’m all for contraceptives. Heck, I’m all for insurance companies helping cover the cost. I think pharmaceutical companies should lower the cost. But talk about government getting involved in our personal life… bad decision all the way around. Leave it to our elected officials to make a mountain out of a molehill. What’s up with a 5 “man” panel to discuss female contraception?

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Fuel Prices & Politics

Do you believe the President can control fuel costs? Do conservative Republicans really want the Government to interfere with Free Market economics? “Drill Baby, Drill” will not fix our immediate problems and probably not our future problems. The Keystone Pipeline that everyone touts as a job builder (and environment killer) is to transport oil from Canada to the Gulf for exportation overseas. The US exported more fuel than it imported in 2011 (Dept. of Energy). So where is the problem? We don’t buy oil from Iran, so that isn’t the problem. Could it be there is no immediate problem? That oil prices are artificially inflated by oil speculators. The same speculators that helped cause the 2008 collapse? No significant regulations have been put in place to stop the exact thing that wreaked havoc in the market 3 years ago. But bottom line, the President cannot control fuel prices. And if

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Fed up with politics

Politics have consumed the media and our lives for over a year now. All leading up to Nov. 2012 election. Party politics have been going on for years, but never worse than the last few. Every decision our elected officials make is based on getting re-elected. And, because party lines have beed drawn so deeply in the sand, voting on bills is no longer about whether it is good for the country, but whether it is good for the party. Forget about compromise … on both sides. Both parties are just as bad. Politics is no longer about running our country and keeping it the best country in the world. Politics is about money, power, and staying in power. I’m fed up with it and you should be too.

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